Portal de Mula


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Mula News - November 2015

detail of Mula
  • ... (17/11/2015)

  • Day coexistence of bullfighting associations (15/11/2015)

  • Will begin shortly the works to restore the original layout of the Northwest Greenway passing through Mula (10/11/2015)
    The conditioning of the infrastructure that elapses from the place de la Ribera de los Molinos, aims to boost tourist arrivals to the region in low season
  • González Tovar Mula says that the PSOE is committed to culture, with traditional commerce and the assets of the region (08/11/2015)

  • New pumping station to carry waste water to the treatment plant Bathrooms Mula (05/11/2015)
    Infrastructure also includes the construction of two pipelines to improve sanitation hundred neighbors of the bathrooms and the Puebla
  • The Civil Guard monitors and removes an aerospace object (04/11/2015)
    Found in a rural area of ​​Mula

  • UNE-EN ISO 9001:2000 - ER-0131/2006 Región de Murcia
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