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Mula News - February 2017

detail of Mula
  • Young people from Mula participate in a community program that prepares them to work in the cleaning sector (24/02/2017)
    After three months of theoretical training, these children under 30 enrolled in Juvenile Guarantee are doing paid work in the municipal service of Cleaning
  • Environmental Quality checks the sealing and restoration works of the El Arreaque dump in Mula (24/02/2017)
    They had a budget of 135,650 euros, co-financed by the European Union Cohesion Fund
  • The Ministry collaborates with Campos del Río in the environmental improvement of the river Mula (03/02/2017)
    The City Council will implement the project for the development of actions, which have 53,000 euros of funds from the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Environment

  • UNE-EN ISO 9001:2000 - ER-0131/2006 Región de Murcia
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