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Mula News - April 2017

detail of Mula
  • Community invests 65,000 euros to improve educational centers in Mula (21/04/2017)
    Actions are being promoted at CEIP Anita Arnao and next month work will begin at the IES Ribera de Los Molinos
  • The photo exhibition 'Con Genio' on the master's projects UCAM-Fotogenio arrives at Casa Pintada de Mula (14/04/2017)
    A total of 25 authors exhibit until mid-June a set of works of different styles and influences within this project produced In collaboration with Culture
  • Promotion reinforces the firm of the RM-561 road to improve access to Los Baños de Mula (03/04/2017)
    It will also work on the route RM-530, which links Mula with Yéchar and Archena, to correct the misalignment of the bridge over the rambla Perea, which occurred as a result of water trawls

  • UNE-EN ISO 9001:2000 - ER-0131/2006 Región de Murcia
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