Portal de Mula


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Mula News - August 2017

detail of Mula
  • The Civil Guard investigates a minor in Mula as presumed author of simulation of crime (22/08/2017)
    Claimed to have suffered an attempted sexual assault
  • Culture refers the sanction files to the owners of Castillo de Mula (15/08/2017)
    The total amount of the fine for its inactivity in the adoption of measures of conservation, custody and protection to ensure the integrity of the property is almost 50,000 euros
  • Culture will begin next week emergency actions to ensure security in the Castle of Mula (03/08/2017)
    The order to invest 25,000 euros in fence placement, protection of gaps and the removal of non-original elements with risk has already been approved Of detachment in the Tower of Homage

  • UNE-EN ISO 9001:2000 - ER-0131/2006 Región de Murcia
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