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Mula News - October 2008

detail of Mula
  • Half a million euros for the rehabilitation of the Convento de San Francisco de Mula (31/10/2008)
    After the Restoration, the convent was devoted to cultural and social uses of city
  • Francisco Cuesta, Totana Athletics Club "JCPalets-EE" I won the mountain race of Sustainable Naturolimpiada (21/10/2008)
    took place in the hamlet of New Homes (Mula)
  • Local Management School offers a course in management of World Heritage sites by UNESCO in this Region (20/10/2008)
    The initiative, which takes place in Mula, aims at improving preservation and enhancement of over a hundred places
  • 80 participants attended the Sustainable Naturolimpiada I Espuña (20/10/2008)

  • 19 Mula youth participate in a training course in international volunteer (04/10/2008)
    After this meeting organized by the Youth Institute will begin its work for development in countries of Europe, Africa and Latin

  • UNE-EN ISO 9001:2000 - ER-0131/2006 Región de Murcia
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